click on individual links below
Sent: 29 November 2021 11:30
To: WA-WarwksMcEnq <>; WA-WarwksMcAcEnq <>
Subject: REF notice of fine and collection order
Todays Date is Monday 29th November 2021
Re: Notice of Fine and Collection Order Dated 24 November 2021,
Account number 21006754G WA, Case Number 232100043837, Division 128
On the reply to notice form I requested a court hearing, therefore I require you to confirm the name of the justices' clerk whom issued the fine and collection order when it was made certain that I requested a hearing.
I require a response to this email via email within the next 3 days.
Kind regards.
Elizabeth iles
-- Original Message ------
From: "WA-WarwksMcAcEnq" <>
Sent: Monday, 29 Nov, 21 At 13:42
Good afternoon. Your court fine is registered with HER MAJESTY’S COURTS AND TRIBUNAL SERVICE, (aka HMCTS) WARWICKSHIRE DIVISION which is 128. The Fines Team who are responsible for the collection of these fines and we are based at Nuneaton Magistrates Court, Warwickshire Justice Centre, Vicarage Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
If you wish to query the outcome or dispute the fine that was imposed by the Leamington Magistrates Court in Warwickshire, please contact the team who deal with the court hearings at the Leamington Magistrates Court and their contact telephone number is:-
01926 429 133, PLEASE SELECT OPTION 3. Alternatively you can email: police prosecuted you for the speeding offence and information is supplied via the Road Safety Unit.
Thank youn
Fines court Officer
NCES| HMCTS | Nuneaton Magistrates Court | Nuneaton | CV11 4WX
see proof below of the genuine crown copyright with the blue border and the fraudulent
crown copyright with the red border
Thu, Nov 25, 2021, 10:07 AM
to WA-WarwksMcEnq
Good morning
I require you to confirm which government department receives the monies from the fines.
Kind regards
Miss iles
------ Original Message ------
From: "WA-WarwksMcEnq" <>
Sent: Monday, 29 Nov, 21 At 14:47
Subject: RE: REF notice of fine and collection order
Good afternoon
Thank you for your emails.
We receive a large volume of emails throughout the course of a week. We aim to respond to them as quickly as is possible but sometimes this can take a few days.
We are unaware of which Government department the money collected is transferred to as we do not deal with Fines and collection of monies in this office.
I have contacted the enforcement office and asked the question on your behalf and I will let you know as soon as they reply.
I have checked the General email box and also postal records and we do not appear to have received a reply to the Single Justice Notice.
As no plea was received to place on the Court file the Clerk has proved the case in absence of plea and dealt with the case on 24.11.2021
If you are not satisfied with the conviction and sentence you can appeal to the Crown Court.
I have attached a copy of the email pack.
Kind regards
Deborah Millward
HMCTS Coventry and Warwickshire(Warwickshire)
Warwickshire Justice Centre Leamington Spa
Newbold Terrace
Leamington Spa
CV32 4EL
Thu, Nov 18, 2021, 12:10 PM
to wa-warwksmcenq
Thursday 18th November 2021
Your case reference - 23/RS/10753/21
I require you to confirm to whom a Plea would be going to?
Kind regards
Miss iles
elizabeth iles is a member of the common law party,
there is a lot more to come, because this is a very big case,, of which i have also linked in with maria gallagher's case,
because together, they prove that once is a mistake,
and twice is on purpose,
[Attachments] Mon, Nov 29, 2021, 4:22 PM
to WA-WarwksMcEnq
Date Monday 29th November 2021
To the Justices' Clerk
Re Notice of Fine and collection order dated 24 November 2021, Account Number 21006754G WA ,
Case Number 232100043837, Division 128
On the reply to notice form I requested a court hearing therefore, I require you to confirm the name of the justices' clerk who issued the fine and collection order when it was made certain that I requested a hearing.
Deborah Millward replied to this email today and has omitted to confirm the name of the justices' clerk, therefore I am again requiring you to confirm the name of the justices' clerk who issued the court order.
I require a response to this email via email within the next 3 days.
Kind regards
Elizabeth iles
see copies of 2 documents below,
that was sent to elizabeth iles,
Document 1] is a copy of a Fraudulent Magistrates Court Document, of which is embellished with a FAKE CROWN COPYRIGHT,
and it is UNSIGNED,
and it falsely alleges that elizabeth iles,
had exceeded temporary ROAD WORKS speed restrictions,
Document 2] their own Photographic Evidence provides ABSOLUTE PROOF, that miss iles had Not been traveling within any Road Works,,
[ the legislative speed limit for this road is NOT 40 Miles Per Hour, it is in fact 60 Miles Per Hour ]
------ Original Message ------
From: "WA-WarwksMcEnq" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 Nov, 21 At 13:07
Subject: RE: PLEA
Good afternoon,
My answer is the same if you receive a fine it informs you on how to pay. Fines go to the Government.
Regards Eric
single justice procedural notice
[Attachments] Oct 25, 2021, 11:19 AM
to warwickshire.admin
Good morning
I require you to make it clear where and how i make a plea.
Can you please make it clear.
Kind regards
------ Original Message ------
From: "WA-WarwksMcEnq" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 Nov, 21 At 12:05
Subject: RE: single justice procedural notice
Good afternoon
Thank you for your email. Please indicate your plea with a tick, you may also write your mitigation in the mitigation part, sign and return.
Kind regards
Kuldeep Mann
Court Officer
Warwickshire Magistrates' Court | HMCTS | Warwickshire Justice Centre | Leamington Spa | CV32 4EL
a lot more to come,
check back soon